Cryptography is a quintessential part of computer security in the modern world. Whenever you buy something on eBay or log into Facebook, that data is encrypted before it's sent to the server in order ...
New to Invisible Computer? Feel free to introduce yourself here! For example, I am a computer science major at the University of Utah. I enjoy reading about computers, particularly cryptography, progr ...
There is a vast amount of knowledge out there on computers! In fact, it is so vast that no single person could ever possibly ever learn everything there is to learn about hacking or computers in gener ...
I am going to post summarizing the best places to go to begin your hacking adventures, but feel free to add any other resources that you think are helpful to this forum thread! There are just so many ...
I recently found this video series that discusses (in a more round about way) the theories that make cryptography what it is today, which goes great with my most recent blog post. I haven't finished w ...
I have decided to write a series on classical cryptography and if that goes well, then I will do some posts on modern cryptography. I am pretty busy with school at the moment, but that always seems to ...
Scroogle was shut down this month due to " a combination of throttling of search requests by Google and a denial-of-service attack by an unknown person or group." It seems evident that corporations a ...
I recently posted a link to what seemed to be a very useful guide on Lifehacker for creating a TOR button in Chrome. However, when I tried it myself, it did not work. Also, it lacked a warning on the ...